The Light in My Window

The Light in My Window

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Wisdom in Uncertainty

Do you ever have those times in your life which are characterized by lots of uncertainties? That is what is on my mind this morning....uncertainty. There are immediate, small uncertainties: meetings and Bible Study class today and tonight which may or may not have to be re-scheduled due to possible impending bad weather; whether or not a planned trip to Lancaster County to help my mother-in-law with some necessary things is going to take place. I can't even know what I am going to make for supper or if I need to pack until those things are decided! Then there are the larger uncertainties facing us right now: Because of some recent developments, we are putting our house in Illinois back on the market and wondering if it will sell this time, and what we will do next if it doesn't? My husband needs knee-replacement surgery on BOTH knees, and there is the uncertainty of when would be the best time for him to have that done. A couple of our children have some very important decisions they are facing, and there is much uncertainty concerning the outcome and possible ramifications of those decisions. I'm a person who does not like uncertainty. I like to be able to know where I'm going, what is going to happen, and plan accordingly.

We have to keep in mind that walking with God does not mean we are always going to be able to figure everything out ahead of time. Very seldom do we have the "big picture" of God's working in our lives. This reminds me of an illustration by Jim Berg that I have used in my teaching. He likens our view of life events as being like the view from the dashboard of our vehicle - we may not be able to see what lies ahead that is snarling the traffic around us. We may not know the cause of the barricaded lane, or when the accident that is blocking our way will be cleared. All we can do is practice the next right response to these situations. Jim Berg says: "Wisdom is not about having God's perspective of all the matters before us, but having God's perspective about what next response will honor Him, while keeping us still usable to Him." (p. 167, Changed Into His Image)

In the midst of uncertainty, I am so glad that while I may not have or know the plan, God does! This morning I was reading in Isaiah and found these verses: "Remember the former things of old, for I am God, and there is none else. I am God, and there is none like me, declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure. Calling a ravenous bird from the east, the man that executeth my counsel from a far country -Yea, I have spoken it, I will also bring it to pass, I have purposed it, I will also do it." (Isaiah 46:9-11) We can take comfort in knowing that the Lord has had the plan for our lives established since eternity past. The word "counsel" in the KJV can also be translated "plan." Nothing can interfere with God's plan for us - it will stand no matter if we know what it is or not! Also notice that God said He will do ALL His pleasure - and His pleasure is always for our good. He says even if it means bringing something or someone from afar to execute His plan, God will accomplish it!

In the Ladies Bible study that I teach, we are currently studying "Not By Chance,"an excellent book on the providence of God by Dr. Layton Talbert. One of the things that amazes me from my study is all the seemingly "impossible" things that God did in order to accomplish His plan. In order to place His chosen people in His chosen place (Egypt), God orchestrated the intentions and actions, and the timing of those actions, of Joseph's brothers toward Joseph. He did the same with Joseph's master Potipher, with Potipher's wife, and the keeper of the prison where Joseph was unjustly imprisoned, the forgetting about him, the God-given dream to the Pharaoh which resulted in Joseph's release, and the 7 years of plenty followed by the 7 years famine - that meant God providentially controlled the weather for 14 years! Why is that all so encouraging to me? Because if God had His hand over all of that, I can rest in knowing God has His hand on my life - even in times of uncertainty. I might not know what is going to happen - but He does. And that is the important thing.

Hope this encourages you today!

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