A couple weeks ago, we had a wedding in our church. The bride was the daughter of one of the missionary families that our church supports, and I asked their permission to share a couple pictures of some nice and unusual ideas from their wedding and reception.
The first picture was the aisle runner. They made a pattern using flower petals, and the aisle was lined by candles (battery operated for safety). It was an evening wedding, so the overall effect was lovely.
The second picture was the one I want to write about today. At the reception they had an "advice wall" where guests could take a card and write a scripture verse or words of advice to the newlyweds and hang it in the place provided. I thought this was a great idea to encourage the newly married couple in their marriage. Today I would like to share my "wedding advice", which applies to any wife, not just a bride. As one who is about to celebrate 39 years of marriage next month, I wish I had known some of these things when I got married!
1. Determine to pray more words over your marriage than you speak about your marriage. Prayerfully seek some Scriptures that you will pray for your marriage, write them down, and pray them often. Some good examples are Eph. 4:29 and 32, Phil. 2:3-4, James 1:19, and Proverbs 31:12. Pray often for your husband - no one can pray for him as you can! You know his strengths, weaknesses, struggles, obligations, and needs more than anyone else.
2. Remember that God has given us the ability to influence our husbands and our homes, whether it be positive or negative. Speak with kindness and encouragement to your husband. 1 Thess. 5:11 says "wherefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one another." He needs your positive, uplifting words!
3. Lasting love doesn't happen by accident - it takes commitment, compassion, and sacrifice. It means looking at your husband, not through him. It means extending grace sometimes - just as God extends His grace toward you!
Hoping you will meditate on these words today as you ENJOY your marriage relationship!