One afternoon a couple of weeks ago, I was waiting for my husband to finish up some work-related meetings so I was browsing in a nearby store. I came across a $1 clearance bin. Anything that has a $1 price tag on it is just begging to be looked at. So I did. And I came across this little sign:
And since it was only $1, I bought it.
Lesson #1 - When I got home and unwrapped it, I found that although it is wood-grained, it was not made of wood, or even a solid material that is like wood, like I thought. It was plastic over a pressboard frame. (I know, I know...what did I expect for $1?) I was a little disappointed, but no big deal. It did remind me that sometimes things that seem on the surface to be one thing turn out to be something else entirely. Those situations and people in our lives that we may have counted on to be the "real thing" prove to be imitations and not at all what we expected. This is where discernment comes in. As Christians, we need to pray for discernment to be able to differentiate between truth and imitation. Discernment was one of the things Solomon prayed for when he became king in 1 Kings 3:9, which is also a great prayer for us to pray: "Give therefore to thy servant an understanding heart to judge thy people, that I may discern between good and bad, for who is able to judge this so great a people?" We are told in Ephesians 5:8b-10 -"Walk as children of light, for the fruit of the Spirit is found in all that is good and right and true, proving (or discerning) what is pleasing unto the Lord."
Those blessings may not come in the form of what we normally think of as blessings. Indeed I have been blessed with salvation, a wonderful husband, a home, children and their spouses that are all loving and serving the Lord in various ministries around the country, ten healthy beautiful grandchildren, health, and innumerable other things. When I went on a missions trip to a third-world country a few years ago, I came home thankful for a great many things I had never thought to be thankful for before - things like soap, hot water, toilet paper, air conditioning, medical supplies, clean water.
But the blessings I am thinking of are not necessarily the tangible ones. They are the answers to prayer. The verse of Scripture that was exactly what I needed. The message or song that spoke to my heart. The direction and guidance He gives through open and closed doors in our lives. The peace that comes from staying my mind on Him. The joy that is mine from having a personal relationship with the Lord. And specifically, the changes in our life and the many lessons He has taught and continues to teach us these past few months since we have been on this journey of major life-change. I know that many changes are taking place and lessons are being learned that we never would have learned any other way.
Eph. 1:3 says - "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places" and then goes on to list those spiritual blessings (or treasures, as my pastor-husband has referred to them as) that we have in Christ. I would encourage you to read verses 3-14 and be blessed. It is right and desirable and good that we thank God for the blessings in our lives, but let's not stop with just the obvious, tangible things that come to mind when we consider what our blessings consist of. Be willing to re-define your previous idea of blessing.
Until next time,
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