In the past few days, I have heard and read a lot of comments about this "in-between" week - that is, the week after Christmas, but before New Year's. In general, people seem to have negative feelings about this week. They express feelings of depression or let-down after the Christmas holiday, boredom, and restlessness.
As for myself - I happen to love this "in-between" week!
- I love the quiet mornings to sit by the lights of the Christmas tree, with my cup of coffee and my Bible and journal, and really enjoy quality time with the Lord.
- I actually enjoy my Christmas decorations and playing Christmas music more after Christmas, when all the busyness and activity is past.
- As one of those "strange" people who actually like to clean and organize, I have enjoyed giving my house a thorough cleaning and doing some needed organization after all the busyness at church and home over Christmas.
- Most of all, I have come to relish this week as one in which I can really do some preparation of my heart for the coming year. For many years, I have prayerfully chosen a special verse of Scripture for the coming new year. I highlight it in my Bible and memorize it. In addition, this year I was challenged to do something new - to select a word of special significance for the coming year. I loved this! I spent a lot of time thinking and praying about it. I considered and then discarded several words before making my decision.

So, are you ready? My word for 2016 is: Perspective.
In choosing the word perspective, I am saying that I desire to have God's perspective on all that happens in 2016. The new year ahead of us stretches out as a blank canvas of the unknown. I want to try to remember to look at things as God would see them, with His perspective, and not how I am apt to see them. Also, I chose this word to remind me to keep things in the right perspective, whether they be blessings or challenges. I need to choose to be grateful (grateful was a close contender for my special word!). I need to see people and needs as an opportunity to love and to serve.
The verse I have chosen for 2016 is 1 Chronicles 16:11: "Seek the Lord and His strength, seek His face continually." Short and sweet this year, but it says so much! If I would just remember to
- Always seek the Lord and not someone or something else, and
- Seek His strength and not my own, and
- Seek His face (His presence) continually,
Then I will have the right perspective.
How about you? Do you choose a special verse or word for the new year? I would love to hear your thoughts. May the Lord bless you in this coming year. Thanks for reading my blog! I hope to be a blessing and source of encouragement to you this year as I write.